Tips to Consider before Planning a Commercial Move

Moving your business can significantly impact your productivity as well as your customer satisfaction. That’s why it’s important to make sure your commercial move goes as smoothly as possible. If you’re on the verge of moving your business, there are some tips that a commercial moving company in Chicago recommends to make sure the process is done efficiently without impacting your production. Here’s what you need to know.

Create Timeline and Budget

A move can take hours or weeks depending on the timeline you set. Come up with a timeline that will work well with business tasks that need to be completed without drawing the process out too long. In general, a smaller office will need a couple months to prepare for and carry out a move, while a larger office could take as long as eight or nine months. Creating a timeline can help outline the steps and tasks involved in the move so that things are done in the right order to not disrupt everyday business. Along with a realistic timeline, think about the budget for the move. Even if you attempt to do the move yourself, it will still cost money because employees will be required to give up hours of productivity to carry out the move themselves. Take into the consideration the cost of moving materials including boxes, tape, dollies, etc. A commercial moving company’s quote should include all these components of the move.

Know New Office Layout

It’s also important to know where things will go in the new office. If you can get a copy of the blueprint, you’ll be able to measure furniture and know exactly where things need to go in the new office. If this isn’t possible, go to the new space and take measurements and pictures so that you can get a rough idea of the space and placement of outlets. There will be less trial and error when moving into the new place. Be sure to schedule any structural changes well in advance of your move so that you don’t have to move everything twice.

Go Over Plan with Employees

Make sure your employees are kept abreast of the plans and changes for the move. This will help keep everyone on the same page and make sure the employees are informed so that they can continue doing their jobs throughout the move. Meetings should be held in the planning stages of the move, throughout the move, and as you begin settling into your new office space.

Give Customers a Heads Up

It’s also important to let your customers and clients know about the change so that they know where to find you after the move. In addition, keeping your customers informed shows them that they’re valued and that their satisfaction is important to you even in the midst of major changes.

Make Assignments

Whether you’re doing the move yourself or hiring movers, it’s important to make assignments so that nothing gets overlooked or forgotten. Create lists for the members of your team to make sure all the areas of your office are covered and that essential services are moved to the new location so that there’s no lapse in phone or internet coverage.

Use Professional Movers

Finally, consider hiring commercial movers to simplify your move. This will ensure that the move is done safely, quickly, and efficiently and that you can settle into your new place right away. To schedule your commercial move today or to request a quote, contact Wolley Movers Chicago now.


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