Common Moving Day Mistakes You Should Avoid

Moving can be an exciting process. It’s hard not to get caught up with the excitement of a new home in a new neighborhood–or even a new town. But, moving can also be stressful. Not only do you have to clean up years worth of messes, but you have to compartmentalize everything in hopes that it makes it to your new address safely. Just ask any local moving company, and they’ll urge you to plan ahead. A well-planned move saves time, money, and even some hairs on your head.

When you’re planning a move, make sure you don’t make any of the following common mistakes that can make moving even more of a hassle.


It’s easy to leave packing duty to your future self. Someday, you’ll get to it, right? Well, unfortunately, most moves are on a deadline. So, you have to start getting things in order well before moving day. Contact your local moving company about a month in advance to secure help–or at least a moving truck or van. Around that time, you should also start putting away possessions that you can live without, like clothes that are out of season, holiday decor, and small kitchen appliances. As for packing up all of your belongings, start at least a week in advance.

Falling Short on Supplies

It takes a surprising amount of supplies to make a move. You’ll need tape, boxes, labels, packing wrap, and door protector pads to prevent scuff marks on your furniture and electronics. Your local moving company should be able to provide supplies upon request.

Packing Up Essentials

Not everything should be packed up and loaded onto a truck on moving day. You may want to set aside some snacks and beverages for travel, as well as a fresh change of clothing. The same applies to any prescribed medications and important documents, including insurance and tax forms, birth certificates, medical records, identification cards, and credit cards. You want to keep those with you at all times.

Moving Day

Forgetting to Hire Help

Moving without help is like trying to paint your entire house by yourself; sure, you can technically try to do it, but the strain, hassle, and lost time isn’t worth the money you’ll save! Even worse, you, your family, or your friends can be injured during a move if you aren’t trained to handle this exhausting, extensive process.

Hiring the Wrong Help

Not all movers are created equal. Try to hire a legitimate moving company. Unlike hiring laborers or enlisting your friends’ help, hiring legitimate movers means trusting in trained, experienced help. Moving companies tend to have a larger staff that’s physically adept to handle moving heavy objects.

When you visit a mover’s website, make sure to peruse their service section. A service or about tab is where a local moving company will explain their services, including residential, commercial, or office moving. Also, find out if they perform long-distance moving if this applies to your situation. You may want to call them to ensure that they can help with certain unusual items like pianos or outdoor equipment.

Call Wolley Movers Chicago now if you’re on the hunt for the best movers. We’re a friendly, trained, and affordable local moving company in Chicago specializing in residential, commercial, and office moves. We can move you within the Chicago area or even long-distance!


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